Monday, August 3, 2009

Rev. Ann Emerson bio:

Ann Emerson is the current director of the Sanctuary of Sophia, a peace, justice, and healing center in Mount Dora, Florida.
Ann has been in private practice for over 24 years and has directed or co-directed five different holistic growth centers in both New York and Connecticut. Her newest center is in Mount Dora, Florida.

Before she opened her private practice she spent 14 years teaching in psychiatric hospitals and maximum security prisons in several different states for both men and women.

She has taught thousands of people over her 38 year career.

A spry, witty and energetic 75 year-old mother of five, and grandmother of ten, Ann has pursued a lifelong study combining community, family and spiritual paths. Her family spans four religious traditions: Protestant, Eastern philosophies, Jewish and Roman Catholic.

Rev. Emerson has been an Interfaith minister for over 24 years.

At The Sanctuary of Sophia which is located in Mount Dora Fl. Ann leads advanced meditation groups and teaches advanced energy medicine workshop.

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